
Group-wide guidelines for working with business partners.

A business partner is an external company that has some degree of involvement in Ramudden’s business dealings. Our operations depend on several external partners to be able to deliver our products and services. Customers evaluate all contacts. So it’s important that our business partners maintain the same high standards that we do.

Ramudden’s business partners and subcontractors also reflect the image that end customers get from Ramudden. Simply put, we’re not stronger than our weakest link. So it’s important that our business partners meet the requirements we establish for conduct, quality, safety, and professionalism, and that they comply with laws and regulations that apply in each country in which they operate. Ultimately, it is about our brand and our end customers' willingness to do business with us.

Guidelines that address business partners give our staff, partners, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders clear messages about how we screen and select business partners. These guidelines aim to make every individual a good citizen and to ensure delivery quality – to strengthen Ramudden as a company. And each employee can feel secure regarding what applies.
Business partner management guidelines
Ramudden follow the laws and regulations that apply in each country in which it has business contacts and applies these guidelines:
  • Ramudden strive for honest, transparent relationships with business partners. Ramudden’s business partners should be able to expect the same high standard from us as we do from them. We strive to maintain good relations with business partners and to promote good collaborations going forward.
  • Ramudden strive to work with business partners whose standards and values are aligned with Ramudden's requirements and guidelines, e.g., regarding conduct, quality, safety, and ethics.
  • Ramudden strive to partner with contractors and subcontractors that comply with applicable laws and regulations in each country where they are active or reside, e.g., human rights, labour law, child labour, forced labour, freedom of association, environmental impact, and security.
  • If necessary, we will carry out audits and inspections of current or prospective business partners to ensure that they meet our requirements.
  • If there is suspicion that our guidelines are not followed by a business partner, then we will primarily try to influence the situation in a positive direction and if that doesn’t work, we will choose to end the partnership.
All employees are personally obliged to follow the laws, regulations, regulatory requirements, and guidelines that address the relationship with and delivery from business partners. Noncompliance with the guidelines can lead to disciplinary sanctions. Ultimately, Ramudden's managers are responsible for ensuring that the guidelines have been communicated to employees and to relevant external parties to promote broader knowledge and use of the guidelines.